Sunday, January 29, 2017

Recipe #7: Avocado Muffins

These muffins were not very sweet, but they had a lot of almonds in them which gave them a nice crunchy texture. Never having baked with avocado before, I didn't know what to expect. But other than their slightly green tinge, the muffins didn't show much evidence of avocado. They were quite moist, though, which was welcome. They were a bit salty, too, which may have been due to the avocado since the amount of salt that was added was average for the muffins I've made so far.

My in-laws declared them to be okay; they were expecting them to be sweet, so that influenced their assessment. But they acknowledged the moistness and crunchiness which they liked. We both decided that old-school muffins are not sweet, really, being more like bread. Muffins you buy today, we thought, are much more like cake than muffins, due to sugar-laden foods' being more popular these days.

I didn't get a photo of these muffins.

I rate these muffins 4 out of 5.

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